My Gallery Volume II


I present you here with another collection of artistic works from the Masters - and lesser lights - culled from the art collections of the world, and other historical and religious sources, providing always that I can find a valid connection between the exhibit and a site or event in the entire story of the Land of Israel and the peoples who have either dwelt here or had such a profound and lasting effect on its history, that their place in its story cannot be gainsaid.

With that in mind I should point out that a heavy emphasis will be placed on that most fabulous of Empires and its capital city - Byzantium. If I must have a favourite city (after Jerusalem and London, of course), then that city can only be Istanbul - until the 1920's and for 1,600 years prior to that date, known officially - and so named by its founder - as "New Rome"; more familiar to the world as Constantinople, the city of Constantine the Great, the first Christian Emperor of the Roman Empire.

'David at the cave of Adullam' - Claude Jerusalem - Second Temple Period

As before, I am deeply indebted to The National Gallery, Trafalgar Square, London, for their kindness and generosity.
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